Emotion-Focused Self-Inquiry and Self-Care for Mental Health Professionals
May 9, 2025 • 10am - 1pm MT - 3 CE credit hours
This workshop will offer a container for clinicians to engage in self-inquiry and self-care practices for personal and professional development. Adele will also review theory, tools, techniques, and supervision interventions to support clinicians to regain access to their clinical intuition on their own, with peers. Clinicians are encouraged to learn these skills to support their own work as supervisors/mentors, as relevant.
Research has demonstrated that these activities can lead to significant and positive changes in the professional domain including: increased job satisfaction; better self-care; less burn-out; increased ability for case conceptualization; as well as positive changes in one's personal life. Case consultations may also be available, time permitted. Participation can be active or passive. This workshop meets criteria towards certification through the International Institute for EFFT. Given its nature, this workshop will not be recorded.
$125 USD
(discount rate available for those with financial insecurity using code: DISCOUNT10 or DISCOUNT15; discounts also available for groups of 5 or more)