Psychedelic assisted therapy for individuals and their families living with an eating disorder
2-days October 24 & 25, 2024, 8am - 3:30pm MT
Facilitated by: Adele Lafrance PhD, C.Psych and Jennifer Danby MSc
This training is suitable for clinicians and guides interested in the application of psychedelic assisted therapy with individuals struggling with an eating disorder / disordered eating. The trainers will draw on their theoretical knowledge and practical experience from research, clinical and non-clinical settings using a range of substances including psilocybin, ayahuasca, ketamine and MDMA. Special considerations for medicine work in this context will be reviewed, from screening, preparation and dosing to integration and beyond. This training will also include a module on the role of supportive others (family member or close friend) in the process, in line with advances in the field of ED treatment.
What to expect:
- What is an eating disorder? Beyond the DSM: Lessons learned from psychedelic journeys
- Common themes that arise during ED journeys and ways to support healing and growth, including ways to respond to resistance and despair
- Skills-development in the attending to and processing of emotions drawing on emotion transformation theory
- Skills-development to support a kinder, more compassionate relationship with the body
- Strategies for the management of eating disorder thoughts and behaviors pre, during and after the psychedelic experience.
- Concrete strategies to support the broadening of the individual’s care network to optimize outcomes, this includes the use of emotion coaching skills from EFFT.
CE credits provided
Cost: $450 US - discounts provided as needed using codes: DISCOUNT10 & DiSCOUNT15
Click here to register
Dr. Adele Lafrance is a clinical psychologist, research scientist, author and developer of emotion-focused treatment modalities. She is active in the research and practice of psychedelic medicine, with a focus on ayahuasca, MDMA, psilocybin and ketamine. Adele was the Strategy Lead for the MAPS-sponsored study of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for eating disorders and a clinical trainer and supervisor for Imperial College Center for Psychedelic Research. She has a particular interest in mechanisms and models of healing, including emotion processing, spirituality, love, and family-based psychedelic medicine.
Jennifer Danby is Systemic Psychotherapist, Clinical Lead and Trainer specialising in eating disorders based in London, UK. Jennifer was the lead therapist on the Panorexia Trial at Imperial College London, a psychedelic-assisted therapy study for female adults with Anorexia Nervosa. As part of her role on the trial she worked closely with the participants support network. Her clinical work in both areas is strongly influenced by Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) in which she is a certified supervisor and trainer as well as a founding board member for the International Institute for Emotion-Focused Family Therapy.